Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series
Phosphor Copper Series

Phosphor Copper Series

Phosphorus is a chemical element that has deoxidization properties. When copper is melted, oxygen and other gases from the environment and within the processes will get into the molten metal. These gases can make the metal too porous to be worked or will develop cracks when used for certain applications. Phosphorous helps to remove the oxygen and other gases from copper during the melt as it increases the copper’s strength.

As phosphor is added into molten copper, it forms phosphorus pentoxide that results when the phosphor gathers in the oxygen in the copper. This phosphorous pentoxide is then removed when the copper undergoes the refining process. The remaining phosphor ends up in the solution with the copper. Copper alloys that can be made with phosphor include phosphor copper, and phosphor bronzes.

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Grade list of copper and copper alloys by country
Classification China Germany America Japan England Europe International
oxygen free copper TU1 2.0076 C10200 C1020R C103
TU2 Cu-OF-H110 C11000 c1011 C101
Vacuum oxygen free copper E-Cu58 TU00 c1020 6N
high purity copper-OFE c10500 c10700
Silver copper TAg 0.1 CuAg 0.1 C10400 C1040 CuAg 0.1
brass H90 CuZn10 C22000 C2200 CZ101 CuZn10 CW501L
H70 CuZn30 C26000 C2600 CZ106 CuZn30 CW505L
H68 C26200 C2620 CuZn33 CW506L
H65 CuZn35 C27000 C2700 CZ107 CuZn36 CW507L
H63 CuZn37 C27200 C2720 CZ108 CuZn37 CW508L
H62 CuZn40 C28000 C2800 CZ109 CW509L
bronze QSn4-0.3 CuSn4 C51100 C5111 PB101 CuSn4 CW450K
CuSn5 C51000 C5101 CuSn5 CW451K
QSn6.5-0.1 CuSn6 C51900 C5191 PB103 CuSn6 CW452K
QSn8-0.3 CuSn8 C52100 C5210 CuSn8 CW453K
copper-nickel BZn18-18 CuNi18Zn20 C75200 C7521 NS106 CuNi18Zn20
BZn18-26 CuNi18Zn27 C77000 C7701 NS107 CuNi18Zn27 CW410J
BZn15-20 C7541 CW409J
BZn18-10 C7350
pure copper TU2 OF-Cu58 C10100 C1011 C101 CW008A copper oxide
T2 SW——copper C11000 C1100 C101 copper - FRHC
TP2 SF-Cu C12200 C1220 C106 CW024A copper - DHP
TP1 SW-copper C12000 C1201 CW023A copper DLP

1.  In addition to providing deoxidizing properties, phosphor also provides a range of other benefits. Copper by itself has amazing corrosion resistance, as this property becomes enhanced due to the added phosphor. It also improves tensile strength, removes brittleness characteristics, and improves machinability and workability.

2.  Small amounts of phosphor will not impact the natural electrical and thermal conductivity in copper. Yet keep in mind that the more phosphor that is added, the more that the copper conductivity will become depressed. For example, phosphorous deoxidized copper will basically have a copper content of 99.9%. However, this same copper will have a conductivity of only 85% IACS. Certain phosphor bronzes may only have a conductivity ranging between 25% to 50% IACS.

3.  Consider the type of application that the copper will be used in and the level of desired conductivity to determine the amount of phosphor that will be necessary. In some cases, the sacrifice in conductivity but the improvement of the copper’s corrosion and strength will be a positive result.

Tin phosphor bronze has higher corrosion resistance, wear resistance and no spark on impact.  Used for medium speed, heavy load bearing, maximum working temperature 250℃.  It has the characteristics of automatic self-aligning, insensitive to deflection, uniform bearing force, high bearing capacity, radial load at the same time, self-lubricating without maintenance, etc.  Tin phosphor bronze is a kind of alloy copper, has good electrical conductivity, not easy to heat, to ensure safety and has a strong fatigue resistance.  Tin phosphor bronze socket reed hard wired electrical structure, no rivet connection or friction contact, can ensure good contact, good elasticity, smooth insertion.  The alloy has excellent machinability and chip forming property, which can shorten the machining time of parts quickly.  As an intermediate alloy, phosphor copper is widely used in copper casting, solder and other fields, and plays an important role in the development of national economy.  


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