Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube
Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube

Alloy Steel Pipe/Tube

Alloy steel pipes are divided into structural seamless pipes and high-pressure heat-resistant alloy pipes. Mainly different from the production standard of alloy pipe and its industry, the annealing and tempering of alloy pipe changes its mechanical properties. meet the required processing conditions.

Its performance is higher than that of ordinary seamless steel pipes. The chemical composition of alloy pipes contains more Cr, and it has high temperature resistance, low temperature resistance and corrosion resistance.

Alloy steel pipes are widely used in petroleum, aerospace, chemical, electric power, boiler, military and other industries.

Alloy steel metal is a versatile material that is well-suited to in major industry. Alloy steel is a particularly hard material that withstands heat and resists abrasion, and is available in a number of grades that are each suited to specific applications.

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The main shapes of alloy steel pipes are: round tube, square tube, oval tube, hexagonal tube, rectangular tube.

Alloy steel pipe applications: oil pipes, boiler pipes, automobile steel pipes, straight seam steel pipes for ships, straight seam steel pipes for piling, ventilation pipes, tunnel pipes, natural gas pipes, grouting pipes, anti-corrosion steel pipes, liquid seamless steel pipes, fertilizer special pipes wait.

Alloy steel pipe process includes: cold rolled alloy steel pipe, cold drawn alloy steel pipe, finish rolled alloy steel pipe, cold rolled alloy steel pipe.

Alloy steel types include: seamless alloy steel pipe, welded alloy steel pipe, precision alloy steel pipe, precision drawn alloy steel pipe, thick-walled alloy steel pipe, spiral alloy steel pipe, large-diameter alloy steel pipe, hollow alloy steel pipe, thin-walled alloy steel pipe.

20Mn6 20г2 20Mn5 G13200 1320 SMn420 150M19 20M5
28Mn6 30г2 28Mn6 G13300 1330 SMn433 150M28 32M5
36Mn6 35г2 36Mn6 G13350 1335 SMn433 150M36 35M5
42Mn6 40г2 G13400 1340 SMn438 40M5
45г2 46Mn7 G13450 1345 SMn443 45M5
50г2 50Mn7 55M5
15X 15Cr3 G51150 5150 SCr415 527A17 12C3
20Cr4 20X 20Cr4 G51200 5120 SCr420 527A19 18C3
30X 28Cr4 G51300 5130 SCr430 530A30 28C4
34Cr4 35X 34Cr4 G513500 5135 SCr435 530A36 38C4
41Cr 40X 41Cr4 G51400 5140 SCr440 530A40 42C4
45X G51450 5145 SCr445 45C4
50X G51500 5150 50C4
12XM 12CrMo44 12CD4
15XM 15CrMo5 SCM415 15CD4.05
18CrMo4 20XM 20CrMo4 G41190 4119 SCM420 CDS12 18CD4
30XM G41300 4130 SCM430 CDS13 30CD4
34CrMo4 35XM 34CrMo4 G41350 4135 SCM435 708A37 34CD4
42CrMo4 38XM 42CrMo4 G41400 4140 SCM440 708A40 42CD4
35XMф 35CrMoV5
12X1Mф 13CrMoV4·2
25X2MфA 24CrMoV5·5
20X3MBф 21CrVMoW12 (SAE)6470E SACM645 905M35 40CAD6·12
41CrA1Mo74 38XM1фA 41CrA1Mo7 G61200 6120
20Xф 21CrV4 (SAE)6140
40XфA 42CrV6
51CrV4 50XфA 50CrV4 G61500 6150 SUP10 735A50 50CrV4
15Xг 16MnCr5 16MC5
20MnCr5 20Xг 20MnCr5 G51200 5120 SMnC420 20MC5
40Xг 5140 SMnC443
25XгM 20CrMo5 4119 SCM421 708M40 42CD4
38XгM SCM440
30XгT 30MnCrTi4
20XH 20NiCr6 3120 637M17 20NC6
40XH 40NiCr6 G31400 3140 SNC236 640M40 35NC6
45XH 45NiCr6 G31450 3145
50XH 3150
12XH2 14NiCr10 3215 SNC415 14NC11
15CrNi13 12XH3A 14NiCr14 3415 SNC815 655M13 14NC12
20XH3A 22NiCr14 20NC11
30XH3A 31NiCr14 3435 SNC631 653M31 30NC12
37XH3 35NiCr18 3335 SNC836 35NC15
12X2H4A 14NiCr18 G33106 3310 659M15 12NV15
20X2H4A 3320 20NC14
20NiCrMo2 20XHM 21NiCrMo2 G86200 8620 SNCM220 805M20 20NCD2
40XHMA 36NiCrMo4 G43400 4340 SNCM439 817M40 40NCD3
45XMфA SNCM447
NO China Russia America Britian Japan France German
30Г2 1330 150M28 SMn433H 32M5 30Mn5
2 35Mn2 35Г2 1335 150M36 SMn438(H) 35M5 36Mn5
3 40Mn2 40Г2 1340 SMn443 40M5
4 45Mn2 45Г2 1345 SMn443 46Mn7
5 50Mn2 50Г2 ~55M5
6 20MnV 20MnV6
7 35SiMn 35CГ En46 37MnSi5
8 42SiMn 35CГ En46 46MnSi4
9 40B TS14B35
10 45B 50B46H
11 40MnB 50B40
12 45MnB 50B44
13 15Cr 15X 5115 523M15 SCr415(H) 12C3 15Cr3
14 20Cr 20X 5120 527A19 SCr420H 18C3 20Cr4
15 30Cr 30X 5130 530A30 SCr430 28Cr4
16 35Cr 35X 5132 530A36 SCr430(H) 32C4 34Cr4
17 40Cr 40X 5140 520M40 SCr440 42C4 41Cr4
18 45Cr 45X 51,455,147 534A99 SCr445 45C4
19 38CrSi 38XC
20 12CrMo 12XM 620Cr.B 12CD4 13CrMo44
21 15CrMo 15XM A-387Cr.B 1653 STC42 12CD4 16CrMo44
22 STT42
23 STB42
24 20CrMo 20XM 41,194,118 CDS12 SCT42 18CD4 20CrMo44
25 CDS110 STT42
26 STB42
27 25CrMo 4125 En20A 25CD4 25CrMo4
28 30CrMo 30XM 4130 1717COS110 SCM420 30CD4
29 42CrMo 4140 708A42 42CD4 42CrMo4
30 708M40
31 35CrMo 35XM 4135 708A37 SCM3 35CD4 34CrMo4
32 12CrMoV 12XMΦ
33 12Cr1MoV 12X1MΦ 13CrMoV42
34 25Cr2Mo1VA 25X2M1ΦA
35 20CrV 20XΦ 6120 22CrV4
36 40CrV 40XΦA 6140 42CrV6
37 50CrVA 50XΦA 6150 735A30 SUP10 50CV4 50CrV4
38 15CrMn 15XГ,18XГ
39 20CrMn 20XГCA 5152 527A60 SUP9
40 30CrMnSiA 30XГCA
41 40CrNi 40XH 3140H 640M40 SNC236 40NiCr6
42 20CrNi3A 20XH3A 3316 20NC11 20NiCr14
43 30CrNi3A 30XH3A 3325 653M31 SNC631H 28NiCr10
44 3330 SNC631
45 20MnMoB 80B20
46 38CrMoAlA 38XMIOA 905M39 SACM645 40CAD6.12 41CrAlMo07
47 40CrNiMoA 40XHMA 4340 871M40 SNCM439 40NiCrMo22
Outer Diameter(mm) Wall Thickness(mm) Length(mm)
Hot-Rolled 20 – 1200 2  –  500 100-18000
Cold-Rolled 1   –   300 0.5 – 100 10  –  8000
Forging 100-2000 10 – 900 25 – 12000
Depending on your needs



We also provide CNC precision machining services for our clients, covering industries such as energy, petrochemicals, steel, engineering machinery, plastics, prevention and control, hydraulics, healthcare, and food. Please feel free to send us drawings for inquiries.

CNC Processing